HouseKeeper & Horror

We had housekeepers come yesterday (I’m lucky if we hire someone maybe once a year) and they did okay but they organized a drawer I didn’t want them going into (they should not have opened any drawers at all) and they ruined our range hood by scrubbing it so hard they scrubbed the paint off it.  It seriously looks like crap now.  Today, I have to start putting all the stuff away that we put in the two rooms we didn’t allow them in.  Isn’t it sad how we have to literally put all our stuff away so the housekeepers can clean?  Something is wrong with that picture.

Anyway, I tried to stay away so as not to be exposed to the chemicals with my wonderfully, weak immune system and I took myself to see the movie, ‘Mama”.  You may like it if you liked the movie, ‘Lady In the Water.’  It had a bit of a plot but a weird ending.  In  my opinion, I don’t think it was “Horror Movie” at all.  You could call it suspenseful if you want.  Of course, I read True Crime.  Those are more horror than any movie such as this and if you’ve ever seen movies about Ted Bundy, The Guyana Tragedy or even the Holocaust; those are real horror. versus some of this Hollywood crap.  Although, if you want to discuss Hollywood.  Go back to Friday The 13th, Nightmare On Elm Street, and Halloween, if you want horror.  The new ones just don’t compare.