Resolutions, Giving & Faithful Followers

Happy New Year!  My Resolution is:  Not To Make One.  I gave up on that years ago.  I have ADD.  I can barely concentrate enough to keep up with housework.  I shocked myself by completing a novel in Nanowrimo, but I still haven’t finished editing it or done anything more.  Anyway, if you resolve something, I wish you luck.

I want to talk about giving for a minute and obligations or feeling obligated.  When it comes to the holidays do you really feel obligated to give when you have received something or how about obligated to give..peried?  I believe that is so wrong and takes out the entire meaning of the Holiday.  Shouldn’t the spirit of giving come from your heart and shouldn’t the reception just be thank-you?  Here’s an example:  I gave my neighbor a small Christmas gift.  I know she likes Nativities and I found a small Nativity statue thing.  I snuck it over there on the 23rd so she would not have time to run to the store and buy me something, because I know they are having financial issues.  She called me up after Christmas and left me a msg thanking me and saying she would bring something over later.  I called her in the morning and we had a long talk.  She told me she didn’t like receiving presents and not giving back so she was making cookies for people and would bring over fresh cookies.  Okay, that’s cool.  My husband loves fresh, baked, cookies.  My neighbor said someone from her church did the same thing.

But it really makes me think about people and giving and receiving.  I think this is one reason a few of my relatives cut me  off a while ago from giving them presents at Christmas.  They did not want to have to buy for me.  But you know what?  They don’t.  I don’t do this for a gift back.  I guess I don’t think about giving and receiving the same as other people do.

Before I end this one, I want to thank my Faithful Blog Followers!  What fun stats from the last entry!  I do hope I keep you interested.  I know my topics have gotten a bit more serious lately, but it’s my real life.  As things quiet down, perhaps more humor and memories will evolve again.

2012 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 2,200 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 4 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Change For Bus…Or Not

I had a Christmas post I’d written but it was in draft form and somehow had not been published so I just posted it.  Hopefully, you will not consider it to late as it  is still relevant.

Now onto today’s topic:

I do not like being lied to or taken advantage of, and I really do not like them both happening at the same time.  I consider myself to be a giving person and have been told I have a bit heart but I give too much or am to trusting and can get hurt someday.  True, one can also get hurt swimming, sky diving, driving your car, riding your bicycle or even crossing the street..but I digress.  If I should get hurt while giving to someone; it will be at least have been a blessing to have been partaking in what I believe God has called me to do.

Usually, I say a prayer over who God wants me to help before I help them although, sometimes there is not time.  Take today for instance:

As I exited the local store, a boy on a skateboard (maybe around age 16-18) approached me on a skateboard and asked if I could spare any change for the bus.  The bus stop is right across the street from the store and the bus was out at the stop.  I looked at him and said, “hmm, change for the bus?”  It seemed legit.  I dug out what I had coin-wise and gave him the change.  He skatebaorded to the bus and went behind it.  As I got in my car, he skateboarded back to the store parking lot, laughed with his friend and high-tailed it out of there..gast.  He NEVER took the bus.

Okay, it could have been the wrong bus, the bus may not have been running anymore.  Something may have happened but.. if so, why would you be laughing?.  I said a prayer of forgiveness for the boy but it is reaffirming my idea of not giving money away, and continuing on with my bags only.


Merry Christmas To All

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas because that’s what I celebrate.  If that’s not what you celebrate:  I hope your holiday is good too.  Unless, it is Satanic because I admit that I am totally against that one.

Sharing The Giving Experience

Last night after watching half of the series of Roots which was on t.v. or my husband had taped it previously.. we went for a drive and looked at Christmas lights which we do every year.  This time we had our 13 year-old dog with us and I had also brought my  bag with me that was filled and ready to give to a Homeless Person.

It had been a long drive this time and my poor dog was tired and he kept laying on my arm and he would lay his nose and head in my shoulder instead of on the window ledge in the cold night air periodically.  Plus, I also, was starting to get tired but I would have been willing to check out one more area for lights.  Plus, with the cold. I didn’t have much hope of seeing a homeless person, which was actually a good thing because I really wanted to believe no one would be out on Christmas Eve and they would have shelter somewhere.  But alas, my husband and I saw someone at the same time.

8 p.m. may not seem late to most but when it is cold and you are sitting alone on a step next to a Liquor Store looking as  if you are asleep with your head on your hands and your hands on your legs, 8 p.m. is probably really late to you.  Although, we did not see the person as having a bag or a cart, they seemed to be homeless and did not look as  if they were waiting for a ride.  At first, my husband looked at me.  I know he wanted me to be the one  to take the bag to this person, but I had the dog, and I could not toss him aside this time.  My poor, tired, 13-year old dog.  So, my husband volunteered to take the bag to the person in question.  We were both surprised to discover said person is a Girl! I yelled Merry Christmas to her before we drove away and my husband was telling me how happy she seemed and that she was already starting to look through the bag.

It reminded me about God saying whenever you give to others, it is the same as giving to him.  I am so happy to have been able to make that Christmas Eve miracle plus, I think it was good for my husband to have had that experience.

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas (or whatever Holiday you celebrate) so far.



Unfair Bells and the End Of The World

I just read in the news that the bells are going to ring 26 times for the victims of the Connecticut shooting.  Not 27.  They are not counting Nancy Lanza, the mother of the shooter as a victim as part of the bell ringing.  People have mixed feelings about her because she had the guns in the house which were used to shoot the children and she taught Adam how to use them.    Okay, wait,  This isn’t fair, in my opinion.  She did not tell Adam to shoot anyone and she sure as heck did not ask  or tell Adam to shoot her in the face while she was sleeping.  Nancy Lanza was just as much a victim in this case as anyone else.

I understand some parents have hard feelings and don’t want her funeral service or name near that of their children who perished; but not even to have a bell ring in her memory?  Is that even the Christian thing to do!  Someone made a comment to that article that churches are being hypocritical in participating with only 26 rings of the bell and I agree.  Are churches not to support and encompass all without prejudice?  Just as God’s love encompasses all.  I won’t get into preaching or my beliefs or even my feelings on Adam Lanza.  However:  This is my opinion when it comes to the victims.  In my head and in my prayers, there will  be a special bell ringing for Nancy Lanza at 9:30 a.m. today.

Also, Let’s get into the topic of the end of the world, shall we?  Seriously, do you really think today is the end?  Good grief, how many times have we been through this?  That dorky pastor guy kept telling us it was the end and people stockpiled food and gave all their money away and we are still here.  Now you are worried because some group made a calendar and ran out of room or something?  As a Christian, I believe the Lord is not telling us when he is coming back and that is the end of the world.  It isn’t when some calendar runs out or some Yahoo makes up a date.  Plus, if the end of the world were today, why are people still Christmas shopping and cleaning their houses and living life normally?  Wouldn’t people be having orgies, or cheating on each other, or in church praying, or doing drugs, or going skydiving or, I don’t know doing whatever it is you’ve alway’s dreamed of doing on your last day on earth?  Seriously?      

School Shooting ..My View

Okay, so I haven’t discussed the Connecticut School Shooting because my view is not going to be popular.  But, you know what?  I don’t care.  This blog is my honest opinion.  It is not meant for popularity purposes and other people have to feel this way too and probably don’t want to admit it.  Please remember, it’s an Opinion, Not a Debate.  You can have a different opinion if you so choose.  Here I go:

The children!  The  children!  The poor children!  Yes, he shot the children and I do feel bad about that.  Children are innocent and don’t deserve to die that way.  However, what about the adults that were shot and killed?  The teachers or/and other school administrators?  Do their lives count too?

One Pastor said there were 20 more stars up in heaven now.  Wait, 20?  He is not counting the adults that were killed, he was only counting the children.  So, the adults did not become stars.  One commenter when hearing that said they believed the adults would have stars or patches of light around those stars protecting those 20.  You know those adults have families too.  They were Mothers, Friends, Wives, Sisters, Cousins, etc.  I don’t know if any men died but if so, they may have been Fathers, Uncles, Cousins, Friends, etc. and they were all Co-Workers and School-Administrators or Teachers in some capacity.

And what about the shooters mother?  Did she deserve to be shot in the face by her own son?  From what I’ve heard, she made the wrong choices but she cared.  Obviously, teaching him how to use firearms was not the way to go.  But, she was a Mother, a Friend, an Ex-Wife, and a very, caring person.

In conclusion, although they died and once again, I am very sorry for that.  Why is it all and entirely about the children?  They were not the only ones affected?


Shrooms, Hair & Helping

I am winning!  I am conquering the Mushrooms!  The Baking Soda/Water mix is a miracle although I am using way more Baking Soda than called for and pouring it directly on the Mushrooms.  Even after the rain, they are not popping their heads back up as quickly.  Most are laying dead.  When I told my husband I killed them, he asked me if I “nagged them to death?”  Yeah, I guess maybe that was part of it too.

I also had my hair done today and I finally like it.  It is back to or a bit darker than the natural color.  It is really close to the root color which is a dark brown.  I have been trying different places and the stylists kept saying, “You dont want that, it to dark.  You want this color.”  Than, I would come home and not like it.  This happened over and over again.  I believe I finally found the place I like.  Plus the price is good and it’s close to home.

Okay, now get this:  So, I mentioned I helped a few people on to have Christmas and I believed they were legit.  One lady thanked me and said she filled the stockings with everything I sent plus said the shirts could be worn for school; but then she had the nerve to ask if I thought it would be wrong of her to post on Aidpage again for a few more presents for under the tree.  My mind immediately flipped and I thought, this Witch isn’t in need.  How ungrateful is this woman!  I wrote her back and politely apologised that her gifts were small but said that was all I could afford. (she has 6 children!)  I also mentioned that people are saying that Aidpage is actually supposed to be a site for advice and not necessarily to ask for gifts and a lot of people who are asking for gifts have absolutely nothing and would be thankful for a card for their child for Christmas.  Anything, to call it a Christmas and now she has something.  At least she asked my opinion, but that took a lot of nerve.

Health & Helping

I saw my doctor yesterday as a follow-up to surgery and I am doing very well.  He actually said the pain should go away completely soon and was surprised I only needed one Vicodin while recovering.  Well, I am a Migraine Sufferer and have been told I have a very, high pain tolerance.  One doctor or nurse went so far as to tell me if I ever gave birth, I probably would not have a problem.  Guess, I’ll never know.

I helped someone else anonymously on  She had written her address on the wrong page so I simply sent a toy to her for her daughter for Christmas.  It is coming directly from Walmart and I don’t think my name will be on the label since it is being paid through Pay-Pal,  so she will have no idea who it is from.  Now, that is the way to get a Christmas Present.

I know I need to stop spending money as I am getting a bit nervous about the upcoming bill, but I do need to go to Walgreen’s for basics and I heard they are having a toy collection for Chips For Kids so maybe one more thing.  I wish I were rich and could afford to help everyone who cannot afford Christmas.  It’s my favorite holiday.  And, every day there is a new story on  It’s getting closer to Christmas yet the stories keep coming and coming.

Just like the Mushrooms in my backyard, per yesterday’s post.


Fighting a Losing Mushroom Battle

Help!  I am having a battle with Mushrooms and I don’t want to lose.  They are taking over my yard!  Seriously.  They are everywhere.  For every 100 Mushrooms I pick up; there must be 300 the next day.  (I may be exaggerating a bit, but not by much.)  My back yard looks like a land-mine and I don’t want my dog to break his leg when going out to go potty.  I read about shoveling under the mushrooms to get them up.  So, every day I am shoveling under clumps, groups, nests, rows of numberous Mushrooms that have grown the night before.  They grow in lines and circles or they simply follow each other.  Some are just all together.  I also read about a local farmer who sprays Baking Soda and water in the hole after it’s empty to deter the Mushrooms from growing back but then the Mushrooms move to another area.

This is a major problem because I have a dog and for some reason he likes to eat Mushrooms and then he throws up.  I’ve read way to many stories of Mushroom poisoning to dogs and I know the least they can do is cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and vomiting which my dog experiences quite a bit.

Other than digging up my entire yard or banning my dog from the outside, does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem naturally?

I would really appreciate any reasonable suggestions.