Even The Dog Is Confused

Yesterday when I texted HIM (I think that is how I will refer to him now for a bit) I mentioned that if he wanted to keep up on how I was, he was welcome to follow this blog. After all, in my mind, we are still husband and wife..just separated, and in this way; he will know what is going on. But, he will not be responsible for any of it. Actually, that’s not true. He is responsible for most all of it. He is the reason I and the animals are here.

Anyway, he read yesterdays blog entry and texted me. I know he read it because he used one of the same terms I did. he was not supposed to comment that way, he was supposed to comment anonymously here on this site. Or, if HE wishes to be himself and admit HE is my husband, he can be prepared for the fall-out of anyone who may comment to HIM. If I text back, we get into a conversation and I become his friend..which is what he wants. I cannot do that. If I let myself become a “friend.” I will never be able to become his wife again. (That may not happen anyway.) After all, I’m not supposed to hold onto that 2% chance right now. I will reiterate that it is to painful to communicate and be a friend. I said I will communicate about the house, or the dog, or the garage sale. But, not chit-chat. Keep it business. He Cannot, Did Not and Will Not change his mind in 3 days. This came close once before and he changed his mind in one day..but I guess really didn’t. Or, I wouldn’t be here.

Okay, So last night I’m taking Petey for a walk at 10:30. He refuses to go potty in the back yard. This is ridiculous. So today, I go to Home Depot where I buy a Shower Rod. I find one but I don’t see directions on how it extends. Last time, I bought the wrong size. I realize the last one I got was actually a Towel Rod. I almost lose it but I tell myself; NO, you are not going to lose it in the middle of Home Depot. I also bought a plug strip. The guy at the store called it a Strip. (In his text, HE said he had the strip, but I was not going to make the extra trip over there to get it). One of the main reasons I went to Home Depot is because someone suggested getting one of those boxes where you put them together and put them on the patio with grass so I won’t have to take Petey out so late. I go to Home Depot near me and purchase one. The Home Depot I go to does not have the sod or grass though so I call the one near my old house that does and I go their after, BUT: the girl there tells me it will stain the patio. IT WON”T WORK! At least I didn’t waste the $50.00. At least, I’m at a Home Depot, so I can return it and get my money back. I thought about potty pads for pets but I can’t leave them outside or they will blow away. Petey is 14 years old and doesn’t really like change.



Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?

I have an appointment with a new Psychologist tomorrow who is only 5 minutes away.

Spam Types

When I was much younger (before I became a Flexitarian) I used to like SPAM.  My mother would mix it with mayo and put it in sandwiches for my lunch at school.  I also used to bring Avocado and Mayo with Cream-Cheese and maybe some Walnuts.  I still like those sandwiches.  Needless to say, nobody wanted to trade lunches with me.    Anyway, Now that I know the ingredients of SPAM or enough about it, I definitely don’t eat it anymore.  My father used to eat a lot of it while on the ship when in the Marine Corps and called it S _ _ t- on a Shingle.  One more positive on Spam though was the Dr. Demento song.  If I knew how and could find it, I would post it for you.  But I’m not that technologically advanced .

But: this brings me to today’s blog  topic:

Not the canned SPAM I’ve been talking about: but the SPAM comments I and everyone else who has a blog receives.  Good Gravy, some are just ridiculous.  “Your writing is amazing.  I’ve been looking for it for a long time.  It is just what I was looking for.  I will keep follow.”  What?  You were looking for a post about pain and headaches?  That’s amazing writing to you.  You obviously don’t read much.  You will keep follow.  You don’t write much either.  Please don’t keep follow.  Nope..Your deleted.  Next.

“My brother told me to see your website and I am glad he did.  I will be new Follower.”  This almost sounded legit the first time.  Apparently, peoples brothers are really passing the word around.  However, without further info, I am not impressed.  So sorry, but I don’t trust you or your brother.  Delete…Next

“We have started a small group of writers to write topics like you.  If you would like to join us, please click this link.”  No, No, I am not clicking your link nor joining your probably spammy, non-legit group.  Delete.  One more.

“Click my pics”  Naked Chics.com  Delete! Delete! Delete!  No explanation needed.

And The Nomination Doesn’t Go To… (My Feelings)

On my last MRI, they’d found white spots and weren’t sure what they were.  Lately, I’ve been reading about white patches in the brains of people who suffer from Migraines.  There ya go.

I contacted my Neurologist yesterday who adjusted my meds.  However, last night before adjusting them; I had horrible, sharp, stabbing pain (almost like an earache) from the left side; which literally made me cry every time it hit.  I thought I would need to go see my Primary today, but surprisingly, I feel better.  I tried the Neurologist’s medication adjustment before bed.  It seems like I get 3 days of pain to 2 days of no pain a week.

Sorry, if these last two entries haven’t kept  your interest.  Sometimes, I don’t write them for humor purposes.  I actually started this blog to keep up with family and friends re: my health and life so I don’t have to keep repeating myself when people ask:  How are you?  I just send them here.

I actually like to throw in a few curve balls and keep it interesting and fun as well.  Like everyone, I LOVE to get Followers.  As a matter of fact, there is something I have to admit/confess.  “It’s been forever since my last Wordpress confession.” HA.  (If you were ever a Catholic, you’ll get that one.)


I’ve been on WordPress for over a year now and I admit/confess that sometimes I get jealous/annoyed/angry when everybody I read and follow keep getting all nominated for these awards and I’ve yet to get nominated for one.  I’m not saying you don’t all deserve it because I’m sure you do.  Heck, I follow you so that is saying something. Right?

I am not asking your advice on how to get nominated for an award.  Nor, do I want your sympathy or to be condemned for my feelings.   I just wanted to admit them.

By the way, it isn’t so much when someone gets nominated.  It’s when they keep getting nominated.  It seems like once someone gets nominated for one award, it becomes a cycle.  Some people I follow post things like, “I haven’t gotten around to responding and thanking everyone for the numerous award nominations I’ve received so I will now and here are my nominations:”

What?  I feel like if I received an award, I would be so honored/excited/happy. I would fall off my chair!  I think the only reason I would not respond in the next post would be because I broke something after falling out of the chair.

Then, when reading the ones I follow and the numerous award nominations they receive.. some/most of which are following me back by the way. I look anxiously to see if my blog was worthy of their nomination for the award.   But alas, despite the fact, they follow me and they’ve received 12, 14, 112, whatever awards. Once again..mine is not in there.

It may seem silly of me to dream of a WordPress Award Nomination, but I guess it is sort of like in High School.  I still feel as if I am trying to fit in and one day, I really will be accepted.

And, don’t you dare nominate me because of a this post.  That would be wrong on so many levels.

I am curious though,

How do you feel about the Wordpress Award System and do you ever feel the same way I do?     

Financial & Paying For Blog?.Your Advice

I won something from e-Bay the other day. (Oh, the excitement!) It was actually the 80’s work-out outfit I told you about in my post about 80’s fashion.  Anyway, so I just had to pay as they so nicely remind me.  I click the little Pay-Pal button since that’s the only, safe way to pay.  They keep telling you that too..those silly “they”..Pay Pal People..although it may not be.  I mean, Pay-Pal People are real and how do we know all those people are real honest.  Do they all have background checks or something?  Anyone who works in the financial industry should get a background check first, in my opinion.  But, I digress.  Anyway, so I hit the button but instead of confirmation.. I get some message saying my Pay-Pal Account needs to be verified or needs to be linked to my bank account or some such nonsense because it won’t take my payment.  WHAT?  No, I am not giving you Pay-Pal people my social security number and I do not want to link you to my checking account.  I use a separate credit card for pay-pal and I pay it on time.  What is going on with e-Bay?  So, I call up Customer Service.  Luckily, it’s only like a minute wait.

Imagine when the Customer service guy, we will call him Jon, since he said that was his name, tells me this:  “You have been with us 6 years.  We have a limit you can spend and in your case it was $8,771.77.  It has nothing to do with paying your credit-card bill.  That is completely different.  You need to get verified by linking your account to your checking account or get a free, Pay-Pal Credit Card.”  He did let me pay for the work-out outfit, while I decided what to do.

First I did the math (before I or my husband had a heart attack) 6 years at $8,771,77 total = $1,461.96 year =$121.83 month  which really isn’t to bad.  Then, I had to really think about it.   I do get some really good deals on e-Bay and it mainly takes Pay-Pal.  So, I opted for the Pay-Pal Credit Card but I only used my Disability Income as income so my limit is low.  Of course, this will be my monthly limit.  I still spend less than the total limit amount a month anyway, according to my calculations, so I should be okay and like my husband said if we want to buy anything higher; we could use his Pay-Pal account.

But, here’s the ting.  I feel after 6 years; I am being penalized for being a good Pay-Pal Customer!  We should be rewarded, not forced to be linking our accounts and giving information we don’t want to give.  Just like a credit card, we should have our limits raiseed; not have lifetime limits forced upon us without our knowledge.

So: now I have a question on the same yet different topic:  Let’s talk about WordPress and free blog sites.  I love my blog.  It is another addiction.  I am on the free level.  What happens when I run out of room?  I’ve  considered paying the $18.00 a year but I want to hear from others that do it?  What exactly changes?  Is it true, my blog will definitely stay here as mine?  I don’t want to spend the money and be cut off for some reason.  I really want to hear from people that are using the pay option before making a decision.  

I appreciate any look forward to any and all responses (minus weird spam ones that have nothing to do with anything) and I thank you for reading my blogs.

Very Interesting Searches

Did you hear the news?  “Tom Leykis said the Miata is gay.”  That’s one of the top searches on WordPress so it must be true and one of the top searches to my site, but if Tom Leykis said it..well, we all must follow and believe.  I used to listen to Tom. .until he left the radio.  That was a sad day in my book.  You know he does make a lot of sense even for women.  It’s to bad, I didn’t listen to him much earlier when I dated (okay, met up with) a guy only on Thursdays.

*Keep it clean please, my friends and family read this page and for those who haven’t heard Tom and don’t know full past history; let’s keep them in the dark of my beautiful reputation*.  Yep, I was this guys Thursday girl and he never really wanted to go anywhere or do anything especially if it meant being in public or with anyone we might know.  God forbid, if it should become boyfriend/girlfriend.  Had I known the Thursday rating at the time; I would have kicked him to the curb before I learned the true meaning of it all. and the fact that he was lying about being in the National Guard or at least going as often as he did and was actually seeing someone else and became “engaged” after telling me he did not want a relationship with anyone.

Anyway, I guess now, Tom says the Miata car is gay.  Sorry, this one I’m not sure I agree with.  Then again, if you mean only when a man drives it.  I do think a Miata is more a woman’s car but it also depends on the year.  I love my beautiful 93 Miata!  She is awesome looking and she is a classic this year.  She is a female and she is definitely not Gay or a Lesbian either.  Thank you very much.



Next search.

“I went to a party and got sore throat.” How terrible for you.  I wake up with sore throat, I get sore throats when people sneeze around me or when I don’t wear my mask while cleaning or, I don’t know.  Who knows how you get a sore throat?  I have one now.  I think we need to gargle supposedly with salt water and use lots of Chloraseptic and don’t talk and..hmm.  I could give lots more advice but you’ve found my site so now you know a lot about sore throats.

There were more interesting searches this time but these were the ones that caught my eye that I thought I would share tonight and of course a picture of my non-gay car.  I named her ‘Miracle’ because it’s a miracle I ever got a convertible.

Amusing Spam

I have been sick since the 2nd so I saw my Primary first thing this morning and have been diagnosed as having a minor case of Bronchitis and I will be starting on the Z-Pack.  I’ve had the Z-Pack before and I am actually looking forward to taking it and finally kicking this crap.  I get so tired of being sick after a while.  It sucks when you are on immunosuppressants and get the same stuff over and over again.  Plus, sickness always last longer than everyone else and you just can’t kick it without antibiotics.

Actually, it isn’t just from the transplant and immunosuppressants.  I have been this way all my life due to my metabolic disorder.  I never did get the ‘Perfect Attendance Award’ in school.  I remember my mother telling me that was a stupid award anyway because it encouraged children to go to school while sick and getting everyone else sick.  When I was younger, I would wind up in the hospital with Bronchitis or the Flu for weeks at a time.  At least now I am older, I know how to handle things at home but I still get sick way more than I would like to.  Not that anyone likes being sick.

I’ve had some interesting Spam comments lately.  Obviously, I haven’t approved them.  Yeah, I know..it’s hard to tell sometimes if its Spam, Ham, Pam (what?’), etc.. but where do some of these come from?  One of them keeps telling me my writing has gotten boring to them and they will continue reading if my writing improves because they know I can do better.  Excuse Me!  Did I not mention, this is my real life?  Gosh, I’m so sorry my real life is boring to you.  Out of all the wonderful, exciting blogs out there you can read, I’m sure there are many interesting ones you can find to fill whatever fantasy it is to keep you going.  I’m not going to cater to you one spammer person because you find my blog boring that you are so important that I should change my life posts in order to keep you as a follower.  I am so sorry.

Then, there are the others asking how to like the blog by mobile or what server I am using?  What?  I have no idea.  This is WordPress, is it not?  I am not technological.  You figure it out.  Aren’t those technology questions, you would ask of WordPress?  Of course, we can’t forget the gobbledygook things like:  “This information is newsworthy and I will share it with my friend who is writing about such things and will find it interesting”,  “Your writing is amazing and news is interesting.  I will share with others and come back.”,  “I was searching for sites with news such as this, I will definitely return.”

Isn’t it wonderful?  These people were actually searching for true stories about people who have given change for the bus to those who don’t really need it and they thought it was news-worthy.  Apparently, their friends will too so they are forwarding that one and I may get more readers.  I don’t think so.

I would love to hear about some of your Spam comments.  Don’t you find them a bit amusing?

Resolutions, Giving & Faithful Followers

Happy New Year!  My Resolution is:  Not To Make One.  I gave up on that years ago.  I have ADD.  I can barely concentrate enough to keep up with housework.  I shocked myself by completing a novel in Nanowrimo, but I still haven’t finished editing it or done anything more.  Anyway, if you resolve something, I wish you luck.

I want to talk about giving for a minute and obligations or feeling obligated.  When it comes to the holidays do you really feel obligated to give when you have received something or how about obligated to give..peried?  I believe that is so wrong and takes out the entire meaning of the Holiday.  Shouldn’t the spirit of giving come from your heart and shouldn’t the reception just be thank-you?  Here’s an example:  I gave my neighbor a small Christmas gift.  I know she likes Nativities and I found a small Nativity statue thing.  I snuck it over there on the 23rd so she would not have time to run to the store and buy me something, because I know they are having financial issues.  She called me up after Christmas and left me a msg thanking me and saying she would bring something over later.  I called her in the morning and we had a long talk.  She told me she didn’t like receiving presents and not giving back so she was making cookies for people and would bring over fresh cookies.  Okay, that’s cool.  My husband loves fresh, baked, cookies.  My neighbor said someone from her church did the same thing.

But it really makes me think about people and giving and receiving.  I think this is one reason a few of my relatives cut me  off a while ago from giving them presents at Christmas.  They did not want to have to buy for me.  But you know what?  They don’t.  I don’t do this for a gift back.  I guess I don’t think about giving and receiving the same as other people do.

Before I end this one, I want to thank my Faithful Blog Followers!  What fun stats from the last entry!  I do hope I keep you interested.  I know my topics have gotten a bit more serious lately, but it’s my real life.  As things quiet down, perhaps more humor and memories will evolve again.

This One’s For You.

It’s after midnight and my eyes are going out and I have to do the dishes, but, I will take 5 minutes or so to update You my Friends and Followers because I don’t want to lose you all just because I am working on a novel.

This blog really is important to me and I try to keep up every few days.  I am so sorry if my life is boring to you now.  I now understand why most writers are or become very reclusive.  The weather is starting to cool a bit which makes it the perfect setting to stay in my pajama’s.  Don’t worry, I do bathe and change my underwear and write at my computer all day if I wish..like I did today.  I must admit, today I got to over 28k,.  I did decide it was time for a break and played a few Bingo games, etc.  as a distraction from what my main character is now going though in the strange place in which she has arrived.

I learned today that my  surgery date is set for the 28th of this month which means while most people doing Nano will have until the 30th, I will have 3 days less.  While my surgery only lasts a day, I don’t think my story would end well if I am on Vicodin and I really am not sure how well I will do sitting on a chair after the surgery anyway.

We learned yesterday that a neighbors cat has been missing for two weeks which is quite sad.  It is a really a friendly cat too and would visit everyone.  What gets me though isthe owner is now asking if there is an AVID site yet, he still has not looked for the Chip # paperwork.  Nor, has he called, gone-to or checked the website for the local Animal Shelter.  Plus, there are no lost cat signs posted anywhere.  In my opinion, if you truly wanted your cat back, you would be doing one or all of these things plus, going door-to-door asking if anyone had seen him.  I have  lost my Fur-Children before and believe me, you don’t want to tangle with me because I get determined and hysterical about finding them.  When your animal has been gone two weeks and this is the reaction, it tends to make me wonder.

Okay, I must close my eyes now and I really cannot wash dishes with my eyes closed.  Believe me, I’ve tried it and the water runs to long.  It may not be tomorrow, it may be the day after.  However, please have patience and please keep reading this blog.  Who knows, maybe next year, I’ll put you in my Novel.  I really don’t know how I can use you in this one unless you give me permission to use your first (WordPress) name.  I will need more character names so I may even need you in this one.

Please let me know if this is acceptable.



Sorry So Slow, I’m Writing

Sorry, I haven’t kept up and I hope I don’t drive you all crazy when I do, but it’s NANO month and I’m doing it!  We are supposed to be at 25,000 words today and I am determined to get there.

I need to go to the dentist to and I have to clean the counters. No excuses.  I can’t have the granite chipping off because I am writing a novel.  This is awesome.  This is proving that I can write on a deadline and actually create something.  I am getting my ideas while washing my hair.  It’s crazy.  I don’t post much about it on Facebook because others are doing the same thing but I know I drive my sister nuts.  Come on Sis, You can do this!  Start writing again!  Jump back on the bandwagon.  Pretend it’s the first two days.  You can finish your book that way.  Heck, we don’t even have to worry about spelling, grammar, or punctuation..although we do have spell-check so I will use that.  I’m driving my neighbors crazy.  I tell everyone about this.  I tell strangers about this!  I wore my Nanowrimo t-shirt yesterday.  I am so proud of myself!

In other news… What other news?

I dropped my shoe-boxes off for Operation Christmas Child.  I went  to two different locations.  I’ve learned if you do it that way, there is a better chance of your boxes going to two different countries because they arrive at the Processing Center at different times.    If yo havne’t mad e a box this year, I highly encourage it.  You can even make one interactively at  the website www.samaritanspurse.org. It’s only a $7.00 donation per box and it only takes one box to help one child in another country.  This will be the only present they will probably ever ever receive in their entire lives.

I haven’t really been socializing because I think it’s best to play it safe before my surgery. That doesn’t mean I won’t get together one on one with people but I may avoid some parties.  I was invited to an 80’s get-together tomorrow night and I really want to go but on the other hand, I think it’s best to minimize that at present, with my weak immune system.   After my surgery, I will be happy to party and have fun.

Plus, I will feel more comfortable and my novel will be finished.   Oops, did I mention that again?  My novel?  Don’t those words sound professional?  My Novel?  Say that with me, won’t you?  “My Novel”  Look husband, I have a job.  I’m a Novelist.  Okay, not necessarily.  My first book was a Children’s Book, but I am definitely a Writer.  See, I’m not just unemployed.  I am a Freelance Writer which was I’ve alway’s dreamed to be.

Don’t worry, I’ll tune in again soon.

Nanowrimo Still Going

Wow, this Nanowrimo thing is really coming along.  I am really proud of myself.  Sorry, I hope I don’t sound like I’m boasting but even my husband is proud of me.  I tend to start things and not stick with them but I just love watching the word count go up and watching the stats and the days go down to the finish line.

I decided to keep encouraging myself I bought myself a Nanowrimo t-shirt from their store.  I hope it doesn’t take to long to get it.  Plus, now I have the word-tracker up on both the web sites I blog on; so that really helps me to continue.

I try to encourage those I call Nano Friends as well.  I’ve read a lot of books that don’t make sense.  Who cares if yours does nor doesn’t at present?

We are all in this together so please don’t give up or the load will get much heavier.