Pre-Surgery Day

It is 11:45 p.m. and I am thinking of eating more, not because I am hungry but because I cannot eat or drink anymore after midnight until my surgery is over.  My surgery is tomorrow at 11 a.m.    I am allowed the occasional sip of water should my mouth get extra dry tonight but that is it.  I admit I am starting to psych out a bit and imagine I am getting headaches.  I get headaches all the time under stress but I’ve already taken the two Tylenol allowed and it really is not much worse, plus, the Head-On is fine so I can use that.  I need to stop this psyching out stuff as it won’t help anything.  I gave it up to God.  How can I give it up to God if I am going to let Satan psych me out?    That is very contradictory.  I am going to get through this and I am going to be fine.  This is what I have been wanting for a long time.  To get rid of this horrible fissure I have had for over a year.  Two, maybe.  To have a life without pain when I walk or sit or take a shower or whatever and to have a normal life with my husband.  I won’t go into detail but some of you can guess. (For those of you that know us, don’t you dare tell him I said anything.)

In other news, I finished my novel today.  50,078 words.  It was actually 50,150 when I finished but I did some editing and corrected the wording a half hour or so later.  I am so excited that I met that goal.  I did something and didn’t quit.  My story proved interesting and disturbing.  I don’ know if I will get it published.  I really don’t know just what I would put it under.  It is kind of adult fiction and it deals with a girl who is searching for her father and discovers he is the leader of a Cult.  It goes into some horrible experiences of the members of the cult and some interesting things she learns about her life there.  Plus, how she finally escapes and what happens to him and the other cult members at the end.  There is quite a bit of graphic detail and drama so it would definitely not be children’s fiction.  Does adult fiction have an actual title?

Anyway, I had told a friend (actually, I may have simply posted it) that I would change the theme of my blog after I finished writing my novel on Nano.  I had the last theme because I wanted the Word count pop-up on the blog.  I finished the novel today so I changed the theme.  I hope you all like this one.

I’ll be back as soon as I can.  No guarantee’s on tomorrow.  I hear the pain is pretty bad and the antibiotics are pretty strong.  I’ll also be on Vicodin which will hopefully help me sleep.