One Good Led To Bad Day

Ugh, I feel like crap today.  Since Sunday I’ve had chills on and off and terrible Migraines.  I had a really good day on Saturday and volunteered at the Food Bank in the morning then we hit the L.A. Fair in the afternoon.  Guess I overdid it.  I’m sure it didn’t help standing in the middle of the smoke from the food smokers which smelled so darn good.  I don’t eat meat but they use those same smokers to roast corn and bake the potato’s.  The fair is huge and we only got to explore the food booths and visit the petting zoo as well as walk through one of the shopping exhibits.  The shopping exhibit was quite crowded and tons of people were coughing and sniffling, etc.  I have a terrible immune system anyway so this really shouldn’t be to much of a surprise.

Other than that, I splurged for some Tuck’s hemorrhoids which seems to be helping a bit.  This is sure lasting a long time though and seems as if it will last forever.  I was just about to write that sometimes I think I will never feel normal again but I guess I’ll have to clarify that by saying that sometimes I think I’ll never feel normal for what used to be normal for me…but I know I will.